General information n°5 (4 October 2002, IAU IB n° 92) |
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Information on the next IAU GA :
The one-day Joint Discussion on "The International Celestial Reference System (ICRS): Maintenance and Future Realization" (chairs of the SOC: F. Mignard and D.D McCarthy), which was proposed by Commission 19 and Division I for the next IAU GA, has been selected as JD16 by the IAU Executive Committee and this JD has received the support of Division V (Stars) and Division X (Radio Astronomy) as well as of the International Association of Geodesy. This JD will include invited, contributed and poster presentations of the most recent scientific developments on the ICRS as well as revised concepts and models to access the system. It will also consider the plans for future maintenance and improvements of the ICRS, extension to other wavelengths, impact of space-based astrometry and relation to the dynamical reference system.
A one-day scientific meeting of Division will be held during the next GA, possibly on Monday, July 21. Scientific matters of Division I Working Groups and Commissions will be discussed during this meeting, as well as the future organization of these WG and Commissions and future scientific meetings in the scope of the Division. Among possible topics of discussions are issues relative to the implementation of IAU Resolutions 2000 and corresponding terminologies and future practices. The participation of all people belonging to Division I, or interested in the work of this Division, is welcome. Additionally, meetings of commissions 4, 7, 8 , 19 and 31 are planned as usual with possible scientific sessions to be advertized in advance. All the members of the commissions are invited to participate in these meetings.
The Joint Discussion on ICRS will be on Tuesday 22 July (2003) and the scientific meeting of Division I, possibly on Monday 21 July. Among the other selected meetings, the following ones are of interest for Division I: JD02 on "Mercury" (proposed by Division III : comm 16, 49 and WG ESP,), a "special session" on Recent Progress in planetary exploration" (proposed by Division III : comm 16) and a special session on "New classification schemes for multiple objects" (proposed by Division IV ). Is is hoped that the largest number of members of Division I participate in the GA in order that the discussions during the meetings above can be efficient for the progress in the scientific topics of the Division.
General information n°4 (20 June 2002, IAU IB n° 91) |
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Since the beginning of this year, there have been
two scientific meetings organized by International Services which are Services
of the IAU.
- The 3rd IVS (International Service for Geodesy & Astrometry) General Meeting was held, from 4 to 6 February 2002, in Tsukuba (Japan) and was followed by a one-day Workshop. The IVS holds such a meeting every two years. The purpose is to assemble representatives from all IVS components (Network Stations, Operation Centers, Correlators, Data Centers, Analysis Centers, Technology Development Centers and Coordinating Center) to share information, hear reports, and plan future activities. The meeting also provides a forum for interaction with other members of the VLBI and Earth science communities.
- A special IERS (International Earth Rotation Service) Workshop, devoted to the "Implementation of the new IAU Resolutions", was organized at Paris Observatory on 18 & 19 April 2002. The purpose of this Workshop was to prepare the scientific community to the implementation of the IAU 2000 (GA XXIV) Resolutions which should become effective on January 1, 2003 (see: http://danof.obspm.fr/IAU_resolutions/Resol-UAI.htm). These Resolutions define a new IAU framework concerning relativity for present and future applications in astrometry, celestial mechanics, time, and geodesy. A new precession-nutation model was adopted, and the new Celestial Intermediate Pole, Celestial and Terrestrial Ephemeris Origins were defined. During this Workshop, there have been fruitful discussions on the reasons for the adoption of the Resolutions, on their consequences as well as on the details concerning their implementation in astronomy, Earth rotation, ephemerides, etc. Some actions were required from the IERS in order to facilitate the practical use of the Conventions and to provide explanations and routines for the conversion between the old and new systems. Some actions were also required in education of the astronomical community. The details of the scientific input should be reflected in the Proceedings of this Workshop which will be published electronically before the end of June 2002 (see http://www.iers.org/workshop_2002/).
General information n°3 (17 April 2001) |
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General Information n°2 (12 April 2001, IAU IB89) |
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General Information n°1 (4 November 2000, IAU IB88) |
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