Future statutes and bye-laws
Extracts concerning Divisions and Commissions

draft version (5.12.02 / JA)




19. As an effective means to promote progress in the main areas of astronomy, the scientific work of the Union is structured through its Scientific Divisions.  Each Division covers a broad, well-defined area of astronomical science, or deals with international matters of an interdisciplinary nature.  As far as practicable, Divisions should include comparable fractions of the Individual Members of the Union.

20. Divisions are created or terminated by the General Assembly on the recommendation of the Executive Committee.  The activities of a Division are organised by an Organising Committee chaired by a Division President.  The Division President and a Vice-President are elected by the General Assembly on the proposal of the Executive Committee, and are ex officio members of the Organising Committee.


21. Within Divisions, the scientific activities in well-defined disciplines within the subject matter of the Division may be organised through scientific Commissions.  In special cases, a Commission may cover a subject common to two or more Divisions and then becomes a Commission of all these Divisions.

22. Commissions are created or terminated by the Executive Committee upon the recommendation of the Organising Committee(s) of the Division(s) desiring to create or terminate them.  The activities of a Commission are organised by an Organising Committee chaired by a Commission President.  The Commission President and a Vice-President are appointed by the Organising Committee(s) of the corresponding Division(s) upon the proposal of the Organising Committee of the Commission.






17. The Divisions of the Union shall pursue the scientific objects of the Union within their respective fields of astronomy. Activities by which they do so include  the encouragement and organisation of collective investigations, and the discussion of questions relating to international agreements, cooperation, or standardization.
They shall report to each General Assembly on the work they have accomplished and such new initiatives as they are undertaking

18. Each Scientific Division shall consist of:
a. An Organising Committee of 6-12 persons, including the Division President and Vice-President, and a Division Secretary appointed by the Organising Committee from among its members.
b. Members of the Union appointed by the Organising Committee in recognition of their special experience and interests. The Committee is responsible for conducting the business of the Division.

19. Normally, the Division President is succeeded by the Vice-President at the end of the General Assembly following their election, but both may be re-elected for a second term. Before each General Assembly, the Organising Committee shall organise an election from among the membership, by electronic or other means suited to the Commission structure of the Division, of a new Organising Committee to take office for the following term. Election procedures should, as far as possible, be similar among the Divisions and require the approval of the Executive Committee.

20. Each Scientific Division may structure its scientific activities by creating a number of Commissions. In order to monitor and further the progress of its field of astronomy, the Division shall consider, before each General Assembly, whether its Commission structure serves its purpose in an optimum manner. It shall subsequently present its proposals for the creation, continuation or discontinuation of Commissions to the Executive Committee for approval.

21. With the approval of the Executive Committee, a Division may appoint Working Groups to study well-defined scientific issues and report to the Division. Unless specifically re-appointed by the same procedure, such Working Groups cease to exist at the next following General Assembly.


22. A Scientific Commission shall consist of:
a. a President and an Organising Committee consisting of 4-8 persons elected by the Commission membership, subject to the approval of the Organising Committee of the Division;
b. Members of the Union,, appointed by the Organising Committee, in recognition of their special experience and interests, subject to confirmation by the Organising Committee of the Division.

23. A Commission is initially created for a period of six years. The parent Division may recommend its continuation for additional periods of three years at a time, if sufficient justification for its continued activity is presented to the Division and the Executive Committee. The activities of a Commission is governed by Terms of Reference, which are based on a standard model published by the Executive Committee and are approved by the Division.

24. With the approval of the Division, a Commission may appoint Working Groups to study well-defined scientific issues and report to the Commission. Unless specifically re-appointed by the same procedure, such Working Groups cease to exist at the next following General Assembly.
