Links To IAU Homepages

Links are provided to the following IAU-related homepages:
  1. International Astronomical Union
    • This is the IAU Secretariat.
    • IAU matters not related to CBAT/MPC should be directed to the IAU Permanent Office, Institut d'Astrophysique, 98bis, bd. Arago, F-75014 Paris, France. Telephone (33) 143258358, Fax (33) 143252616. E-mail

  2. IAU Division I - Home Page

  3. Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams
    • The Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams is a service of IAU Commission 6.

  4. Minor Planet Center
    • The Minor Planet Center is a service of IAU Commission 20.

  5. IBVS
    • The Information Bulletin On Variable Stars (IBVS) is a bulletin of IAU Commissions 27 and 42.

  6. Gazetteer Of Planetary Nomenclature
    • Names of planetary satellites and the names of features on planetary bodies are the responsibility of the Working Group For Planetary System Nomenclature and are collected in the Gazetteer.

  7. Individual IAU Commissions and Working Groups:
    • Div I Commissions: Division I Commissions
    • Div I Working Groups: Division I Working Groups
    • Commission 5: Documentation & astronomical data (Documentation & données astronomiques)
    • Commission 6: Astronomical telegrams (Télégrammes astronomiques)
    • Commission 14: Atomic and molecular data (Données atomiques et moléculaires)
    • Commission 15: Physical study of comets, minor planets and meteorites (L'etude physique des cometes, des petites planetes et des meteorites)
    • Commission 20: Positions and motions of minor planets, comets and satellites (Positions et mouvements des petites planetes, des comets et des satellites)
    • Commission 22: Meteors and interplanetary dust (Meteores et la poussiere interplanetaire)
    • Commission 27: Variable stars (Etoiles variables)
    • Commission 34: Interstellar matter and planetary nebulae (Matière interstellaire et nébuleuses planétaires)
    • Commission 42: Close binary stars (Etoiles binaries serrées)
