Division 1 and Commision 19 Elections for the next term 2003-2006

1) Division 1 Election

Division I President for the next term (2003-2006): Toshio Fukushima
(elected by the Presidents and Vice-Presidents of the Division)

2) Commission 19 Election

Organizing Committee for the next term (2003-2006)
(elected by Commission 19 members) :

President : Véronique Dehant
Vice-President : Aleksander Brzezinski

New members of the OC
Pascale Defraigne; Jean Dickey; Chopo Ma; Jean Souchay; Jan Vondrak.

Second term (elected at the 24 th General Assembly in 2000)
Toshio Fukushima; Daniel Gambis; Jan Hefty; Cheng Huang; Zinovy Malkin; Angelo Poma; Jim Ray; Cyril Ron; Nikolay Sidorenkov; Michael Soffel;
Nicole Capitaine (Past President); B. Richter (Representative from IERS); C. Wilson (Representative from IAG);

3) List of proposed members and consultants

Proposed new members
Yolanda Natsula (current consultant); Marta Folgueira.

Proposed new consultants
Thomas Johnson; William H Wooden; Vladimir Zharov.