Optical flash on Jupiteroptical flash on the surface of the Jupiter captured at 18h22m12s on August 20 (UT). Unfortunately this time is uncertain in +-1min. The video taken by an amateur astronomer, Mr. Masayuki Tachikawa in Kumamoto city, with using Philips Toucam Pro2 attached to the telescope, Takahashi TAO-150 f1100mm with teleview power mate X5. And this is reported to me, Junichi Watanabe, at NAOJ by phone call from Mr. Ryoji Yamada, who is also amateur astronomer in Kumamoto prefecture. Mr. Koichiro Yoshida kindly worked to send the video data to me. It seems to me that this is similar to that observed in June 3 this year. The rough position of the flash is (140 (sys II),+17). -------In Japanese--------- 熊本の山田良二さん、吉田光一郎さん経由で入手した 動画のフラッシュ部分のフレームをキャプチャしたものです。 ーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーー 撮影者:立川正之氏 タカハシTOA-150 f1100mm テレビューパワーメイトX5 Philips Toucam Pro2 露出時間 60sec 901フレーム 撮影日時 2010年08月21日 AM 03h22m(JST) -------------------https://pholus.mtk.nao.ac.jp/watanabe/optical-flash-on-jupiter/jupiter-flash-max.tif/viewhttps://pholus.mtk.nao.ac.jp/watanabe/optical-flash-on-jupiter/jupiter-flash-max.tif/@@images/image-1200-ba4399564784e25151ab243f37e45fdf.jpeg
Optical flash on Jupiter
optical flash on the surface of the Jupiter captured at 18h22m12s on August 20 (UT). Unfortunately this time is uncertain in +-1min. The video taken by an amateur astronomer, Mr. Masayuki Tachikawa in Kumamoto city, with using Philips Toucam Pro2 attached to the telescope, Takahashi TAO-150 f1100mm with teleview power mate X5. And this is reported to me, Junichi Watanabe, at NAOJ by phone call from Mr. Ryoji Yamada, who is also amateur astronomer in Kumamoto prefecture. Mr. Koichiro Yoshida kindly worked to send the video data to me. It seems to me that this is similar to that observed in June 3 this year. The rough position of the flash is (140 (sys II),+17). -------In Japanese--------- 熊本の山田良二さん、吉田光一郎さん経由で入手した 動画のフラッシュ部分のフレームをキャプチャしたものです。 ーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーー 撮影者:立川正之氏 タカハシTOA-150 f1100mm テレビューパワーメイトX5 Philips Toucam Pro2 露出時間 60sec 901フレーム 撮影日時 2010年08月21日 AM 03h22m(JST) -------------------